Student Leadership
Student Leadership
Through stringent selection, appointment and training, Hua Yians are nurtured to develop their leadership competencies and be stretched to develop their potential in one of eight leadership groups. The roles of these eight groups are as follows:
1 . Student Council
Represent the student body in matters pertaining to student welfare;
Promote innovative changes and improvement in school for students;
Organise key school-wide events which promote stronger camaraderie and school spirit;
Collaborate with community partners for meaningful community involvement work;
Administer school duties and maintain general discipline.
2 . ONE Advocates
Advocate National Education(NE) and citizenship values;
Initiate and plan key NE commemorative events including International Friendship Day, Total Defence Day, Racial Harmony Day, and National Day Celebration;
Promote and forge strong friendships with international students.
3 . Class Leaders
Oversee the functions of the Class Committee, including administering of daily class duties;
Inculcate strong teamwork and class spirit;
Create a caring and safe class environment that enhances learning and development; and
Plan, organise and provide support for key school events such as Singapore Kindness Movement and Teachers’ Day Celebrations.
4 . CCA Leaders
Lead in the respective Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) and inspire Hua Yians to achieve their best; and
Initiate, plan and organise programmes, events, bonding activities and Values-in-Action (VIA) projects for the CCA.
5 . House Leaders
Take the lead in fostering a strong House identity and school identity within Hua Yians; and
Plan, organise and provide support for key House events such as House activities and events, and the Senior-Junior Mentorship programme.
6 . Peer Support Leaders
Develop a strong peer support culture in Hua Yi (“Hua Yi Cares”) through the following:
Peer bonding: fostering bonds of friendship and sense of belonging to the class and school;
Peer helping: providing practical help and social and emotional support to peers in need or in distress;
Peer influencing: promoting positive mindset and mental well-being, role-modelling pro-social behaviour both online and offline;
Plan, organise and provide support for cohort / school-wide events related to peer support and relationships, including Mental Health and Cyber Wellness.
7 . ICT Champs
Provide technical support for both teachers and their classmates such as assisting teachers in the set-up of AVA equipment and IT resources;
Ensure the maintenance and safe-keeping of AVA equipment;
Immediately report damages or breakdowns in AVA equipment and facilities;
Assist in providing feedback to the ICT Department on issues or ideas which can be adopted in the classroom;
Provide supportive services for students and teachers in the use of Apple devices.
8 . Environment Ambassadors
Foster sustainable environmental habits in our school community;
Take the initiative to represent the school in national environmental competitions and school workshops;
Assist the school in investigating data needed to help the school community be more energy-efficient, reduce waste and conserve water.
Student Leadership DSA Outreach Workshop

Hua Yi’s Student Leadership DSA Outreach Workshop allows Primary 6 participants to better understand how to develop their leadership skills through interactions with student leaders from Hua Yi. They are also able to foster new relationships in a safe environment and build self-confidence for their eventual entry to any secondary school.