Sec 1 Registration for 2025 Cohort
Principal's Welcome
Dear Sec 1 Parents,
We are delighted to welcome your child to the Hua Yi family, and we look
forward to partnering with you to nurture and develop your child to their
fullest potential. Please take a moment to watch the video below for a
welcome message from our Principal-Designate.
Important Information for ALL Students
All Secondary 1 students posted to Hua Yi Secondary school are required to review through the registration details below carefully. Additional details will be sent via Parents Gateway (PG).
The e-Registration process will be conducted through PG. Information regarding class allocation and Subject-Based Banding (SBB) offerings will be shared on PG, typically 1 - 2 days after the posting is confirmed.
Please note: Parents are strongly encouraged to purchase
uniforms and books only after receiving the class allocation on
Parents Gateway.
The first day of School will be
on Thursday, 2 January 2025.
Reporting Time
The Flag-Raising Ceremony begins promptly at 7.30am daily. All students are expected to be present and prepared before it starts. To ensure this, students should allow sufficient time to deposit their bags in the classroom and place their phones in the lockers before proceeding to the ceremony.
First Day of School
On the first day of school, students should report in their Hua Yi PE Attire with Uniform Bottoms, and gather at their respective Secondary 1 Classroom on Level 4. From there, their seniors will then lead them to the School Hall (Centrestage) for the Flag-Raising Ceremony.
Please see the attached file the for the classroom allocation.
Students who did not manage to purchase the Hua Yi school uniform can report in their primary school uniform.
Students will be dismissed at 5.30pm on 2 January after Day 1 of Sec 1 Orientation Camp (S1OC).
Uniform Guidelines
Please refer to the table below on the details for school attire. Students will be briefed on the first day of school as well.

House Allocation
Please refer to the table below for the House allocation of the Sec 1 classes. Each class is allocated to one of the 5 Houses in our school, and students would need to purchase the House T-shirt, which serves as their PE T-shirt.

Parents will be notified of their child’s class allocation via Parents
Gateway by 20 December 2024. We kindly request your response through PG
to a few questions (e.g., camp T-shirt size, dietary requirement(s), medical
condition(s), attendance for School Leader’s Talk and Secondary 1 Orientation
Campfire) by 23 December 2024.
Sec 1 Start-It-Right and Orientation Programme
For the first week of school, a Start-it-right and Orientation Programme has been planned for the students, to facilitate their transition to secondary school. Please see the table below for the relevant information. More details will be provided to the students on the first day of school.
Date |
Time |
Reporting Venue |
Reporting Attire |
Event |
Thursday |
7.30am – 5.30pm |
Respective Sec 1 Classrooms (Level 4) |
PE T-shirt with Uniform Bottoms (Note: Bring PE shorts) |
Start it Right Programme - Sec 1 Orientation Camp
Friday |
7.30am – 9.30pm |
School Quadrangle |
PE T-shirt with Uniform Bottoms (Note: Bring PE shorts) |
Start-it-Right Programme - Sec 1 Orientation Camp
Note: Morning Snack, Lunch and dinner provided |
Monday |
7.30am – 2.00pm |
Centrestage (School Hall) |
Full School Uniform with School Tie |
Start-it-Right Programme
Tues |
7.30am – 1.00pm |
Centrestage (School Hall) |
Polo Tee with Uniform Bottoms |
Start-it-Right Programme
School Leaders' Talk and Sec 1 Orientation Campfire with Secondary 1 Parents
We warmly invite all Secondary 1 parents to attend the School Leaders’ Talk and
the Secondary 1 Orientation Campfire. Please confirm your
attendance by responding to the message regarding your child’s class allocation,
which will be sent via Parents Gateway.
Date: 3 January 2025 (Friday)
Time: 6.00 – 9.30 pm
Programme Overview and Venues:
6.00 - 6.30pm: Refreshments
@ HYSS Centrestage (Level 2)
6.30 - 7.00pm: Sharing by School Leaders @ HYSS Centrestage (Level 2)
7.00 - 9.30pm: Secondary 1 Campfire @ Quadrangle
Sale of Uniform, Textbooks and Stationery
Uniforms, textbooks and stationery will be sold at our school. Please
see the table below for the operating dates and time.
Mode of payment: Cash or PayNow
Dates |
Opening Hours |
19, 20, 23, 26 & 27 December |
9.00 am – 3.00 pm |
Bookshop – Books
Blk E Level 1 classrooms – Uniform
Alternatively, you may wish to purchase the books online,
Textbooks and Stationery
Please refer to the attached booklist the attached booklistfor the required books and stationery.
For online purchases, orders must be completed by 21 December 2024 to
ensure delivery before the start of the school year.
Please note that online sales are not applicable to FAS students.
CCA Information
Below is the list of CCAs offered in our school:
Physical Sports |
Uniformed Groups |
Visual and Performing Arts |
Clubs and Societies |
Badminton (Boys/Girls) |
National Cadet Corps (Boys) |
Show Choir |
Art & Crafts Club |
Basketball (Boys) |
National Police Cadet Corps (Boys/Girls) |
Cultural Dance |
InfoComm Technology Club |
Football (Boys) |
Red Cross Youth (Boys/Girls) |
Concert Band |
Nutrition & Food Science Club |
Netball (Girls) |
Modern Dance |
Singapore Youth Flying Club |
Track & Field (Boys/Girls) |
English Language, Drama & Debating |
Volleyball (Girls) |
Chinese Language, Drama & Debating |
Guzheng Ensemble |
Please refer to the attached document for
the timeline of the CCA Experience for Secondary One students in Hua Yi.
The CCA Experience includes trials, experiencing the CCA activities and
programmes, registration and allocation. Students will receive a detailed
briefing in Term 1 Week 1.
Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP)
In line with MOE policy, all secondary school students will be getting
a personal tablet or laptop. In Hua Yi, students use an iPad for their
learning. Please refer to PDLP for
more details.
Information on procurement of devices for Secondary One students will
be provided in due course.
Parent Support Group
Hua Yi is proud to have an active and committed Parent Support Group (PSG) that plays a key role in supporting school programmes and activities to enhance students' holistic development.
The PSG’s vision is to partner closely with the school to provide the
best possible support for our children’s education. We warmly invite parents
to join us in this meaningful effort, where we can collaborate, network
and share resources to offer strategic support for our students’ growth
and success.
You can find out more about HYSS PSG at
If you would like to work with the school to enhance learning experiences
for our students, and connect with other parents, we invite you to join
our Parent Support Group through this link:
PSG Application Form
Car Decal
Cars entering the school compound for drop-off and pick-up are required to display a designated car decal daily. Each decal cost $3 and remains valid until your child graduates from Hua Yi.
Kindly complete the form below by 30 December 2024 to purchase a decal.
Payment will be deducted via Giro and additional details will be provided
on the decal collection date.
Car Decal Purchase Form 2024
HPB Child Consent Portal
There will be HPB's health, immunisation and dental screening for the students. Parents/guardians will have to access the Child Consent Portal, provide consent and update their child's/ward's medical information accordingly.
School Smart Card
All students entering Secondary School for the first time in Jan 2025 will be issued with a new Secondary level School Smart Card (SSC).
Students can use their Primary level SSC for concessionary travel until they receive their new card (till end April 2025).
Students would need to purchase the Bus Concession Pass for Secondary students while using their old card.
POSB Smart Buddy Programme (For Non-FAS students )
We have successfully implemented POSB Smart Buddy as an e-payment option in our school canteen. With this implementation in Hua Yi Secondary School, all our students can now opt to use e-payments for their in-school purchases. We hope that in support of this national initiative, our students will be able to experience digital payments in a safe and secured environment.
Do note that the School Smart Card, ez-link Card and cash are also acceptable. No registration is required.
You can also download the POSB Smart Buddy mobile app and link these cards/watches to track your child’s payments and savings.
Important Information for SELECTED Students
Financial Assistance Scheme (2025)
Please login to the MOE FAS Application using the e-FAS form which is
available on Parents Gateway (under Services tab – Financial Assistance)
via Singpass login.
Alternatively, the 2025 e-FAS link is provided below.
Please submit the online application together with the supporting documents or contact us at 6563 4568 should you have further queries.
POSB Smart Buddy Programme (For FAS students only)
Please register your School Smart Card with the General Office when you are collecting the approval letter for your MOE FAS Application.
Standing Order for Use of Edusave Account (EPSO)
Please login to Parents Gateway and complete the online form under the Services Tab. This form is to be used by the parent/guardian of a Singapore citizen student to use the Edusave account of his/her child to pay for approved fees by MOE and enrichment programmes.
Apply for eGiro
Please login to Parents gateway and complete the online form for e-GIRO setup for fees deduction under the Services Tab.
Taking Subjects at a More Demanding Level
For students who qualify to take subjects at a more demanding level, a message will be sent via Parents Gateway by 23 December 2024, 5.00pm, and a response will be required. More information can be found in the attached slides attached slides.
Higher Mother Tongue
For students who qualify for Higher Mother Tongue, a message will be sent
via Parents Gateway in the next few days, and a response will be required.
Please refer to the attached FAQ for
more information on Higher Mother Tongue and Non-Conventional Mother Tongue.
Art Elective Programme & Music Elective Programme.
For students who are interested in the Art/Music Elective Programme, please refer to the information below.

Transfers & Appeals
Do take note of the information regarding transfer to another school,
or for appeals to Hua Yi.
Transfer to another school
Ensure that you acknowledge the message sent in Parents Gateway to secure a place for your child at Hua Yi Secondary
Ensure that your child meets the cut-off for the school that you wish to transfer your child to
Submit an appeal form at the school that you wish to transfer your child to
Wait for the results of your appeal
Appeal to Hua Yi Secondary
Ensure that you have secured a place at the school your child has been posted to
Ensure that you meet the cut-off for Hua Yi Secondary School
Submit an appeal form to Hua Yi Secondary School at
Wait for the results of your appeal
The application is deemed to be unsuccessful if you do not hear from the school by 2 January 2025
All appeals must be submitted latest by 23 December 2024, 12.00pm.